
Traveling to other worlds has been my passion since I did just that myself.

Well, okay, I might not have gone through a portal and jumped into a magical world with elves, dwarves, and goblins, but I did hop on a plane and travel to Chiang Mai, Thailand. And that’s basically the same thing, right?

My name’s Julia, and I’m an adult missionary kid and speculative fiction author, with a special love for Middle Grade and Young Adult Fantasy. I moved to Thailand at eleven, and I’ve been writing for as long as I can remember – but I’ve been writing seriously since about the time I moved.

I decided to put my passion for God and the world He created into story by crafting my own worlds that I aim to glorify Him through. Because of that, I now write hope-filled whimsy with a dash of darkness. I like to create stories that tackle the reality of struggling through a world laden with sin, without including unnecessary gore, violence, crude language, or explicit sexual content.

I love talking about writing, reading, the art of story, the One who Made Stories in the first place, and the Christian walk. If you’re interested in hearing about that, follow along here on the blog and/or subscribe to my newsletter by clicking this link.

Thank you so much for stopping by!